
Jane Eyre dating profile for Mr. Rochester

by Daniel Hall

  1. Physical Description
  2. Personality
  3. Friends & Family
  4. Interests, Goals, and Ambitions
  5. Ideal Partner

NameEdward Fairfax Rochester[1]
LocationRiding my horse somewhere, hope I don’t fall.
EducationI know French.

Physical Description

I have a decisive nose, some have said I have a “grim mouth, chin, and jaw,” which I take with pride[3]. Also, my mom calls be beautiful.


I have been taught since a young age the properness of a gentleman, some have said that I’m the most pompous man they’ve ever meet – but really I’m just superior to them. I’m also afraid of women and love when they love the attic.

Friends & Family

My family has always felt of me as a failure and only friends are my dog, Polit[4], and my horse, naturally I’ve also become friends with the open road and vast sea.

Interests, Goals, and Ambitions

What could I possible strive to be? I’m already on top of everything.

Ideal Partner

Submissive attic dweller who, hopefully, can cook and responds to “Honey, grab me a sandwich!” Ideally, can provide comfort (cups of water and tea[3]) after I break my arm from falling off of my horse[4]. If this sounds like you you have my permission to send your résumé my way.

  1. Jane Eyre (Ch. 26) by Charlotte Brontë

  2. Jane Eyre (Ch. 11) by Charlotte Brontë

  3. Jane Eyre (Ch. 13) by Charlotte Brontë ↩2

  4. Jane Eyre (Ch. 12) by Charlotte Brontë ↩2